We are organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes aimed at providing services and programs related to scholarships, recognition, commemoration, and transition of former and current DLA employees.
The DLA Foundation is a non-profit philanthropic organization whose members include employees and retirees who have served with DLA. The Foundation will pursue its mission by raising funds to provide services and programs related to scholarships, recognition, commemoration, and transition of former and current DLA employees.
The DLA Foundation is dedicated to being a “force for good” by bestowing scholarships and conferring other benefits to former and current DLA employees. The vision is that the Foundation will grow over time and become a robust source of funding for various benefits for the DLA community.
The DLA Foundation was announced in March 2012. Since that time, the Foundation incorporated in the State of Virginia, formed a Board of Directors, and met the IRS requirements for a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization. We have held numerous fundraisers and awarded our first round of scholarships in 2014.
Thanks to you, we can keep providing scholarships to deserving students! Let’s keep it up! Donate.
Donate Now!Hello Registrants and Prospective Participants,
This is an important update regarding base access procedures for Ft. Belvoir. While we know this change may present an inconvenience for many of you, we want to provide you with the most recent information. We are working with the Fort Belvoir Golf Club to pre-vett our golfers and participants. We hope that you will take advantage of being pre-vetted. We apologize for this inconvenience as we understand the need to protect the families and workers at Ft. Belvoir. Thank you!