The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Foundation is a non-profit philanthropic organization whose members include civilian and military employees and retirees who have served with DLA. The Foundation pursues its mission by raising funds to provide services and programs related to scholarships, recognition, commemoration, and transition of former and current DLA employees.
The DLA Foundation Scholarship Program Policy describes the purpose and scope of the program, roles and responsibilities of Foundation members in relation to the program, the eligibility and selection criteria for applicants, and the administrative procedures in executing scholarship award and monitoring.
The purpose of the DLA Foundation Scholarship Program is to defray the cost of post-high school education for students with high-potential and financial need. Scholarships are competitively awarded and can be used for accredited two- and four-year colleges and universities as well as trade and technical schools that require a high school diploma or equivalent. Scholarships will not be awarded for post-graduate education.
All scholarships are for a single year of study. Eligible applicants may re-apply for successive scholarships on an annual basis, contingent upon the sustainment of at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale and no adverse disciplinary or academic probation.
The program is competitive; not all applicants will be selected for scholarship awards.
The DLA Foundation will award multiple scholarships each year. All scholarships will be for the same amount. Decisions on the scholarship amount and the number of scholarships are made by the Board of Directors at its Winter meeting. The Board’s decisions consider what best meets the educational objectives of the organization, without jeopardizing the organization’s financial stability and long-term goals.
The goal is to award up to 75% of the funds available each year in scholarships, with awards in the $1,000 to $3,000 range.
Prior to the discussion and decision meetings on the scholarships, the DLA Foundation Treasurer reviews fundraising results, annual operating expenses, and the need for prudent reserves and provides to the Chair of the Scholarship Committee a planning number or range for the scholarship fund for the next scholarship year. The Scholarship Committee then develops options for a scholarship number and amount. The Treasurer and Committee Chair present their recommendations to the Board.
Successful execution of the Scholarship Program requires the engagement of several DLA Foundation Committees as well as the Board of Directors, particularly while the program is being administered within the Foundation. As the program grows, the Board may choose to consider engaging a third-party organization to manage and administer the program. Until such a decision is made, the following roles/responsibilities are identified for each committee.
The applicant must:
If selected for a scholarship, the recipient’s name, city, and associated DLA organization will be published on the DLA Foundation’s website and social media accounts and on the Defense Logistics Agency’s internal and public web pages.
The scholarship recipient may be contacted by the DLA Foundation’s Communication and/or Fundraising Committees and requested to provide testimonials or otherwise support our fundraising efforts.
In addition to meeting the above criteria, previous scholarship awardees applying for another scholarship must:
An applicant’s receipt of a scholarship award from another source does not disqualify an applicant from receiving a DLA Foundation Scholarship, except in the following situations:
Applicants with an ROTC scholarship are not barred from consideration for the DLA Foundation scholarships.
The DLA Foundation Scholarship Program Selection Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, or religious preference.
Scholarship applicants demonstrating high potential will be selected on the basis of:
Scholastic achievement (grades, class rank),
Selection criteria will be established and approved by the Board of Directors in advance of the application period. Each factor is assigned a weight to provide objectivity in the selection process. Weighting is recommended annually by the Scholarship Committee and reviewed, adjusted, and approved by the Board of Directors annually to ensure objectivity in maintained.
The Scholarship Committee and the Board of Directors will appoint a team of evaluators to review the applications and evaluate them per the award criteria. The evaluators should be current or former DLA civilian or military employees, but may include individuals not associated with DLA or the DLA Foundation who bring academic and scholarly experience to the evaluation process. Evaluators must sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
Three evaluators will evaluate each application. Their scores will be averaged to provide a composite score.
The Chair, Scholarship Committee and the Scholarship Administrator will train the evaluators on the Scholarship Program and the evaluation criteria.
Members of the Board of Director will not be evaluators, and Board members do not participate in the evaluation process.
A member of the Scholarship Committee will function as the scholarship administrator. The Administrator will:
The Foundation will issue a call for applications annually with instructions on how to apply, due dates, and other pertinent information. Generally, applications will be due in early spring of the prospective academic year of award.
Applicants must complete the DLA Foundation Scholarship Application Form (on-line) and provide the documents required as attachments to the application form. Only completed applications received by the published deadline will be considered for review and award. Failure to provide all required information is grounds for rejection of an application.
If at any point during the selection process, a member of the selection committee is made aware of an applicant who is a member of his/her extended family or any direct association with the applicant or their immediate family, the committee member will recuse him/herself from consideration of that applicant.
Funds will be directly provided to the recipient’s academic institution. Awards will be given as grants, with no expectation or legal obligation of payback.
This policy will be reviewed annually at the end of the calendar year but prior to the announcement of the following year’s scholarship schedule and updated to reflect any changes to the program as it evolves. The Scholarship Committee will initiate this review for Board approval.
DLA Foundation Policy – Approved by BoD November 2023